Blind Date Read online

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  “Would you like some more coffee?” Chris asked, clearly trying to distract them from the clock.

  “One more cup,” Merci agreed. “I’m in no hurry to get home.”

  Chapter Five


  Chris parked in Merci’s driveway and hurried around the car to open her door so that he could get another look at her spectacular cleavage and long lean legs. The Mustang was perfectly designed for showing off both. She had to stick her legs out to stand and she had to lean outwards to rise—showing Chris two separate visions of perfect mahogany flesh. The only problem was choosing which one to enjoy.

  Merci accepted his hand and rose up beside him—moonlight glistening off her perfect breasts. He hadn’t given her quite enough room. Her body almost touched his and her mouth was tantalizing close. She didn’t seem uncomfortable with his proximity. Her body language even seemed to invite him closer. He leaned in to kiss her intending to slide his left hand on to her hip and cup her face with his right—but what if he was wrong?

  Chris stopped—initially unable to understand why he was doing so. His arms hung awkwardly for a moment before he backed away to let Merci step clear of the car. “I had a really good time tonight,” he told her.

  To his utter astonishment, he realized this was true. What was even more incredible, he realized that it mattered to him. He’d never been one to pass up a chance at sex before. What was he afraid of?

  Merci’s expression proved difficult for him to read. “I had a good time too,” she told him.

  She fumbled for her key and started up the walk. Chris felt like a clumsy oaf beside her. Why the hell hadn’t he kissed her? Now he’d gone and screwed everything up. Not sure what to do with his hands, he thrust them into his pockets.

  Merci found her key, inserted it into the lock and opened her door before facing Chris on the threshold. Her eyes were large and beautiful, her smile full and inviting. Chris longed to kiss her full and deep and let his hands roam up and down her body, but some advice his sister had given him when he was a teenager suddenly popped into his mind. “Nothing convinces a woman that you’re really interested in her as much as resisting the impulse to kiss her on the first date.”

  Chris had no idea if the statement was true. In fact, he didn’t think he had ever followed it before but tonight he had met a woman worth giving it a try. All of a sudden Chris understood his hesitation by the car. He wanted to see Merci again and experience told him that sex on the first date made that less likely. He didn’t want to scare her off. “I really had a wonderful time this evening,” he told her. “I hope you’ll let me see you again.”

  Merci straightened up, pulling slightly away from him. “I’d like that.”

  “May I call you again?”

  Merci stared hard at Chris, but he still couldn’t translate the expression. “Yes,” she finally answered. “You can.”

  They stood together in silence for a little longer while the moments grew increasingly awkward. Then Chris took a step back. “So I’ll call you tomorrow then.”

  He turned and quickly made his way back to the car.

  Chapter Six


  Merci watched Chris go in utter astonishment. Was this really the man Liv had complained about all these years? She had expected to be pawed from the first moment he met her. Where was the self-absorbed, over-confident, smug bastard with the monster cock who got women drunk so he could sleep with them? Liv described Chris as a man who believed he was God’s Gift. Had the real Chris gone elsewhere and sent his angelic twin to fill in? For God’s sake, he hadn’t even kissed her goodnight and she’d done everything to encourage him except grab him by the ears and kiss him first!

  As Chris started the engine to his car, Merci jettisoned everything Liv had told her to expect and went with her own instincts. She ran from the front door to the driveway and tapped on Chris’ window.

  Chris looked startled when he saw Merci standing beside his car, but he quickly lowered the glass.

  “The night is young,” Merci told him. “Why don’t you come inside for another cup of coffee?”

  Instead of coffee, Merci opened wine. It was $168 per bottle cheaper than the two they had had in the restaurant, but she didn’t think Chris would mind. She filled two glasses and he scooped his up and sipped it without giving the liquid a proper chance to breathe. Before Merci could cringe, he smiled broadly. “This is really good!” he said with clearly unfeigned enthusiasm, “one hell of a lot better than that crap I bought in the restaurant.”

  Merci couldn’t suppress a smile. “No, it’s not,” she said, “but it’s nice of you to say so.”

  “No, really,” Chris said, “I’m not just flattering you. I actually like this bottle. What do you call this flavor, oaky?”

  Merci felt her smile broaden. She hoped it didn’t come off condescending. “No, this one is fruity. What we had at Antonio’s was oaky.”


  She nodded.

  Chris shrugged and took another drink. “Well I think Antonio’s should put this one on the menu. You want to go there with me tomorrow so we can suggest it?”

  This time Merci laughed outright. “I guarantee you that Antonio’s would never put anything this inexpensive in their wine cellar,” she said, “no matter how good we think it is.”

  She slipped her arm into Chris’. “Why don’t we go into the next room so we can sit down?”

  She led Chris into the television room to her prized leather couch and snuggled up against him. The wine really was good. She loved the way its heat infused her body. Whiskey was too harsh, but a good wine rolled smoothly down her throat, spreading its heat through her chest and down her torso. She thought the buzz from the restaurant had long worn off, but this new glass revitalized it, making her feel cozy again.

  Chris slipped his left arm around her shoulders so she could lean against his chest. His fingers grazed her hip and lingered.

  “Mmmmm, this is nice,” Merci said. She let her own hand drift across his chest. There were serious muscles beneath his shirt. Chris was harder—fitter—than she had expected.

  “What time do you have to get up for work in the morning?” Chris asked.

  His question reminded Merci that it was only Thursday night. Blind dates were best on a week night as having work the next day was a credible reason to cut the date short if things went wrong. “I get up at...” Merci’s answer was interrupted by a serious yawn. “Oh, excuse me,” she said, “I didn’t realize I was getting sleepy.”

  Chris’ arm tightened around her. “Think nothing of it,” he said. “It’s later than we had planned. Do you want me to leave?”

  Merci didn’t want that—and not just because Liv would be mad if she didn’t finish things. “No,” she said. A second yawn interrupted her. “Let me sit up straight for a moment before I embarrass myself.”

  “I’d better go,” Chris said. He placed his mostly empty glass of wine on an end table and started to rise.

  Merci stopped him with a hand on his chest. She had a decision to make. If Liv hadn’t been playing games it would have been easy, but because Merci’s desires paralleled Liv’s to a certain extent, she felt a little bit dirty moving forward. “Wait a minute. I want to ask you something.”

  Chris settled back down on the couch and Merci pulled her legs up beneath her so she could sit facing him.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  Merci licked her lips. “Why didn’t you kiss me out front? I know you wanted to.”

  Chris twisted slightly in his seat. His head dipped towards hers. His mouth opened slightly to kiss her.

  Merci raised her hand between them. “Wait a minute! That wasn’t a request. I really want to know.”

  Chris sat back on the couch again and picked up his discarded wine glass. He swirled the liquid about the bowl a couple of times and then drained the contents.

  Merci watched him without saying a word.

  “Truth?” Chris

  “Of course.”

  “I was afraid that if we went too far tonight you wouldn’t want to go out with me again this weekend.”

  Merci rejected this notion out of hand. Whatever Liv wanted her to pretend, no one was really scared away by a big dick. Then she realized there was a different way to interpret Chris’ words.

  “I’m not going to have second thoughts tomorrow,” she told him.

  She touched his cheek with her left hand and he leaned in to kiss her. His lips were hard, his questing tongue uncertain.

  Merci opened her lips and sent out her own tongue to greet her new lover. The wine-induced heat intensified throughout her body, flushing her cheeks, her throat and her breasts. To hell with Liv! Merci was too damn horny to play her friend’s games tonight.

  Chris slid forward, wrapping one large hand around her side and increasing the pressure of his lips upon her mouth. His tongue became more demanding; exploring deep inside her while the hand on her side encouraged her to move closer to him.

  Merci slid on to Chris’ lap, straddling his thigh with her legs one knee to either side of his leg. Her panty-clad lips pressed deliciously against the dark fabric of his trousers as Chris’ free hand found her waist, started upward, then changed direction until it came to rest on her ass. His fingers squeezed her cheek through her tight red dress inciting her to grind her moist lips on his thigh.

  She broke the kiss. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asked.

  By way of answer, Chris rose up against her and started kissing her again. The movement brought their chests into contact for the first time, flattening her breasts against his hard pectoral muscles. His lips sucked upon hers and the tip of his tongue fluttered delightfully against hers. Both hands were on her ass now, squeezing her cheeks before slipping lower in search of Merci’s thigh.

  She rose up on her knees to assist him. This had the unintended consequence of pulling her breasts off Chris’ chest as her new relative height forced her to bend her neck to keep kissing him, but his hands found her thighs and rode her pantyhose back up to her ass.

  Merci’s fingers found the buttons of Chris’ shirt and began to fumble with them. It shouldn’t have been difficult, but his fingers were quite distracting, taking her efforts to undress him as license to do the same to her. His thumbs hooked the top of her hose and dragged them down, somehow missing her panties. He abandoned the hose at mid thigh and returned to exploring her ass now that only her thin panties obstructed his fingers.

  His shirt finally opened and Merci forced him to let go of her rear while she pushed it off his arms. Next she loosened his necktie and slipped it over his head. He did the t-shirt himself, pulling it off and tossing it across the room. He had a weightlifter’s sharp definition, but not the bulging bulk of a Mr. Universe contestant. His skin was smooth and hairless, just the way Merci liked it.

  She slid off his leg and began to kiss her way down Chris’ body. She started with his chin and throat, fending off his hands when he tried to cup her breasts. She wanted to play with him first and experience told her it was hard to keep the initiative once a man discovered her breasts and her ultra-sensitive nipples.

  She kissed and licked her way around Chris’ pecs, working in gentle circles toward his hard little nipples. When her tongue finally came into contact with them she gave him a little lesson in what she liked herself, first teasing the puckered flesh with her tongue, then bringing her sharp little teeth to bear on them.

  Chris squirmed beneath her while the bulge in his pants grew larger until he finally couldn’t take the pleasure anymore. “Stop that!” he said, grabbing Merci by the arms and wrestling her over on the couch. His lips found hers, opening her again, taking the time to enjoy his exploration while his fingers finally touched the underside of her large breasts.

  A shudder rippled the entire length of Merci’s body, forcing her to close her eyes as she rode the tremor. He tickled her again, scratching lightly against the soft flesh, making her whole body tingle.

  His mouth never stopped kissing her. His knee slid between her legs so that their inner thighs rested against each other. His fingers grew bolder, lightly cupping her breast, caressing the edge of her aureole through the fabric of her dress and bra, forcing Merci to pay more attention to fundamental needs like breathing than kissing Chris’ hard mouth.

  He made things both easier and harder then—sliding his kisses south to her chin, working his way up the sharp line of her jaw. The shift in his attention eased the need to concentrate on the movements of her mouth and tongue but added to the distraction of his fingers on her breasts as he raised the heat in her cheeks and throat. Her hands began to caress his abdomen, feeling the tight muscles, working their way south of their own accord. She brushed the top of his trousers and wondered if it was too early to open him up and see if Liv had told the truth about him.

  Chris’ thumb found her nipple and a spark shot through her body. Her fingers clenched, scratching her nails across Chris’ tight stomach. His lips sucked enticingly at the nape of her neck. His thumb began to trace the outlines of her swollen tit through her dress and bra, causing the puckered flesh to grow even harder. His kisses moved lower, brushing the tops of her breast as his thumb played with her nipple through her clothes.

  Merci’s hands hovered uncertainly above Chris’ crotch while his kisses on her breasts grew more urgent. He squeezed the soft flesh with his hands, molding her as if he hoped she would pop free of her dress.

  She wanted to touch him but she needed more wine. “Whew!” she said. “When did it get so hot in here? I need a moment to cool down. Can I get you another glass of wine?”

  Chris didn’t immediately release her. Instead, right hand still cupping her breast, he slid back up her body so he could look down into her eyes. “There are other ways to cool down,” he said. His thumb resumed toying with her nipple.

  Merci trembled and almost conceded to his suggestion. “We’re not finished yet,” she said. “I just need to catch my breath.”

  Chris kissed her again, stealing the little bit of air she had gathered while his fingers pinched her nipples, sending shockwaves radiating through her body. Merci gave into the kiss for a few moments, losing herself in the feel of Chris’ tongue in her mouth and his fingers on her tit. Then his hand began to drift south, gliding over her stomach and down the skirt of her dress until he could slip beneath the red fabric and work his way up again, past the pantyhose still tangled at mid-thigh, to lightly caress the bare flesh of her leg.

  Her whole body began to quiver as all of her senses strained to follow the progress of those fingers. They gently looped about, making ever widening circles on her sensitive inner flesh. Each orbit brought Chris nearer to the silk-clad treasure between her legs. Her tongue ceased moving against his and her breath caught in her throat as she focused on the progress of those fingers. Closer, closer—contact—the tips of Chris’ fingers brushed the crotch of her panties moving the silk ever so slightly against her swollen labia. The shudder that rippled up her body momentarily overwhelmed every sensory organ. Her vision dimmed, her hearing contracted so that only the thudding of her own heart remained audible, the billion-odd nerve endings in her flesh all seemed to focus on the edge of her pussy which Chris had almost brushed with his fingers.

  The hand completed another orbit, gliding across her smooth skin, dipping under the edge of her panties to brush against the ultra sensitive flesh of her swollen outer labia. A spasm wracked her body lifting her head off the couch and her knees into the air. Chris grinned above her and circled his fingers in for another pass.

  This time he rode midway up the outer edge of her yearning lips, tantalizing her with the promise of more to come.

  She couldn’t bear the suspense. She wanted those fingers inside of her. She wanted Chris to split her open and thrust his digits into her sopping flesh. She needed his teeth on her tit, biting hard while she orgasmed.

  He brushed against her again,
cresting the swollen labia so that the balls of his fingers skimmed the moisture beading in the crevice between her lips and dragged it outside.

  A small part of Merci wanted to stop Chris’ hand, to diminish the intensity of the pleasure he triggered within her, to assert control over her body again, but no muscle would respond to her command. She lay paralyzed beneath his touch as he broke the wet seal between her labia and trailed her inner juices down her thigh. Her body quaked on its own, trembling constantly now, vibrating against the couch in full foreknowledge of the ecstasy to come.

  Chris began to kiss her again, gently fucking her upper mouth with his tongue while his finger circled her pussy, riding through the tangled hair of her bush, circling her lips to climb to her crevice from below. One finger slipped inside her body, penetrating just deep enough to separate the outer lips while leaving the inner ones closed. Then it rode out again and circled her clitoris, barely brushing the hood, as it returned to her pussy and struck!

  The abrupt change in Chris’ tempo took Merci completely by surprise. One moment he was lightly teasing her lips and the next he had thrust hard inside her, splitting her apart with two fingers, grinding the rough calluses on the heel of his hand into her ready clitoris.

  Merci’s pussy exploded in pleasure.

  Her hips bucked hard into the air as every nerve ending in her groin went supernova. Her body only stayed on the couch because Chris steered her with his hand on her pussy, riding her orgasmic convulsions as he continued to thrust in and out of her cunt.

  His left hand grasped her by the hair, anchoring Merci’s head to the seat cushion and unintentionally discovering another of her erotic turn ons. The bit of light bondage intensified the power of her climax as her mind realized she could neither escape nor hide from the attention of the hand fingering her to ever greater ecstasy.

  She came harder—stronger—gyrating wildly against Chris’ strength. He stopped kissing her, focusing all of his attention on controlling her possessed body. She thrashed madly back and forth, finally falling off the couch and pulling Chris after her. That gave her over-stimulated body a few brief moments to recover herself, but all she could do was roll over on her stomach in her futile efforts to escape the source of her pleasure.