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Blind Date Page 5

  The metal felt hot against Chris’ cheek, almost uncomfortably so. The heat combined with the soapy foam to give the impression of approaching cleanliness.

  Chris dragged the razor down his cheek, over his jawbone and on down his neck leaving a clean smooth line of flesh behind the blade.

  He rinsed the razor in the running water and lifted it to drag another swathe clean of soap and whisker. The bathroom door opened, letting a rush of far colder air swirl around Chris’ body.

  “Sorry, baby,” Merci said. “I’ve got to get moving or I’m going to be late again.”

  She closed the door behind her and snuggled up next to Chris. She was still naked and her bare nipple brushed against Chris’ damp arm causing an immediate surge in his penis. “Mmmm,” she said, “you’re so warm and clean.”

  “And wet,” Chris reminded her, wrapping his arms around her and moving to give her a foamy kiss.

  Merci evaded him then snatched up her shower cap. “I’m late,” she reminded him, stepping to the edge of the bathtub.

  Chris returned to shaving, lifting the razor to scrape another line of his face clean.

  “I don’t know why, but I really love to watch you do that,” Merci told him. She hovered at the edge of the tub, watching Chris as he rinsed the razor, then dragged its edge across his flesh again.

  Merci dropped her shower cap onto the sink. “Let me try that.” She attempted to take the razor from Chris’ hands.

  “Hunh uh,” he told her.

  “But why?”

  “Shaving is a very personal thing,” Chris insisted.

  “It is not!”

  Chris arched an eyebrow. “Really? Then I’ll make a deal with you. You can shave me this morning if I can shave you tonight.”

  Merci took a half step backward. “Shave me?”

  A smug smile formed on Chris’ face. He reached out with his free hand and tickled the curly hairs of Merci’s bush, right above her clitoris. “Shave you right here,” he clarified.

  Merci started to step back again, but her foot hit the tub.

  Chris stepped up against her. His penis began to swell both from her proximity and the nature of their conversation. “What do you say?” he asked. “Are you brave enough to let me strip this off? Scrape all the hair away? Cleanse you?” He leaned in close enough to smear foam from his face to her cheek as he whispered into her ear. “Lick your truly naked flesh? Fuck your bald pussy?”

  Merci covered his hand with her own and took the razor from him. “That’s later,” she said. She stepped past Chris, brushing her large brown nipples against the white flesh of his chest, and held the head of the razor beneath the stream of hot running water. Chris’ penis swelled further, standing up sufficiently to bump against Merci’s pussy.

  “I’d be careful about distracting me just now,” she told him. “After all, I’m holding a razor against your throat.” As she spoke, Merci lifted the blade to the tip of Chris’ chin and dragged the sharp metal cleanly down his neck. Her movement was smooth and sure, the hot blade scratching the light whiskers off Chris without difficulty.

  Chris held his breath until she finished the stroke. When he resumed breathing, his dick was even harder and longer than before.

  Chapter Eleven


  Merci wrapped her free hand around Chris’ growing erection. “This is going to be even more fun than I thought,” she told him.

  She let go of his cock and set her thumb against his neck where she had just shaved him. She could feel the pulse rippling through his jugular vein. It was so exciting. She lifted the razor to shave another channel, fully aware of the growing urgency in her boyfriend’s erection. He was a powerful man when properly stimulated and Merci enjoyed finding new ways to turn him on.

  She pulled the blade down Chris’ flesh again. She knew from experience while shaving herself that a long smooth motion worked best. Yet it was somehow different to be shaving Chris. For one thing, the hair of his cheek and neck was coarser than her own. For another, she couldn’t feel what she was doing, which added just a trace of uncertainty to the equation.

  Merci shaved another row. Chris was completely erect now—powerfully engorged—making her consider for just a moment abandoning his stubble and pulling him down on the floor where he could drive that massive cock up inside of her where it belonged.

  She cleared another swathe of his flesh. Something about the feel of the blade against Chris’ skin had his cock literally quivering with excitement—and it didn’t happen that way when he shaved himself. Merci would have noticed it if it did. Perhaps it was the intimacy of her standing naked in front of him with her nipples touching his chest, or perhaps it was the vulnerability of letting his woman scrape his flesh with a very sharp instrument. Merci liked this last idea. If it was feelings of vulnerability that were giving Chris this hard on she could think of lots of games that would cause the same effect.

  Merci started on Chris’ left cheek, scraping the skin smooth. The flesh was different here; tauter, making her task much easier. She finished in a few quick strokes and then turned the cheek so she could better admire her work.

  Chris took advantage of the moment to cup Merci’s breast. “Why don’t we take a break to concentrate on other things?” His thumb stroked her nipple causing her knees to tremble.

  Merci steeled her resolve. Chris could fuck her when she was finished. She rotated his head to expose his unshaven profile.

  Chris rubbed her nipple again and let his other hand slide between her legs where his fingers gently penetrated her lips. “You’re wet,” he whispered. “You want me.”

  Merci did want him. She wanted to climb up onto his body and impale herself on the thick swollen head of his cock. She wanted to slide down his torso and try to swallow his massive dick whole. She’d pump his shaft with her hand while she sucked until he filled her mouth with cum. She wanted to lean over the bathtub rim and let him take her doggie style, then roll over so he could fuck her tits, splashing her face and breasts with another torrent of jism.

  She wanted a lot of things from Chris, but she also wanted to finish shaving him, making him wait to enjoy her body again. It was never a bad thing in a relationship to remind your partner who was ultimately in control.

  She touched the razor to Chris’ right cheek even as his finger slid deeper inside her. The trembling in her knees lifted up through her body until it shook the disposable razor in her hand.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Merci warned, pleased that there was only a slight tremor in her voice. “I wouldn’t want to cut you.”

  She pulled the razor down Chris’ cheek leaving a clean smooth trail in the shaving cream. Chris stood frozen, his finger still inside of Merci. As she lifted the blade for another stroke, he spoke to her through clenched teeth. “I can’t believe you would shave me while I’m fingering you. That thing is sharp, you know.”

  Merci smiled, enjoying the pressure of his hand on her breast and his finger between her lips almost as much as she enjoyed her current power over him. “Oh I do know,” she assured him. “You should be very careful where you touch me right now.”

  She scraped another path down his cheek, and then a third, and a fourth, until there was nothing left to shave but the final half of his neck.

  Chris removed his finger from Merci’s pussy so that he could cup both her breasts. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to let me finish that for you?”

  Merci shook her head. She loved the feel of Chris’ hands gently squeezing her. “Stay just like that!” she ordered.

  The blade ran smoothly from his chin down his neck and over his Adam’s apple. The whiskers came away quickly and easily as she carefully completed the task. “That finishes it,” she said, admiring her work with satisfaction.

  “Good!” Chris’ hands left Merci’s breasts with lightning speed and grabbed her roughly by the ass. Before she could protest, he lifted her onto the edge of the sink. His right hand left her bott
om to direct his cock and then the swollen mushroom head split Merci’s labia and thrust into her wet pussy.

  She could feel the texture of the mushroom head as it penetrated her—slick, smooth and so very wide. The rigid shaft which followed it was rough by comparison and corded with pulsing blood vessels. The conflicting sensations plowed deep into Merci, electrifying her pussy, until Chris’ cock kissed the end of her passage. Then he pulled back, the rim of his thick head catching her juices and sweeping them ahead of it.

  He thrust again. “Oh God, I can feel you, Merci.”

  She could feel him too, his dick delving deep, and then pulling back for another run.

  “I can feel you,” he whispered again. He tried to thrust even deeper into her, his cock ramming even more forcefully against the end of her womb.

  His eyes closed; his head tilted back; his hips thrust back and forth in increasing frenzy.

  Merci’s need raced half a step behind Chris struggling to catch up in time to join his climax. She ground her pussy hard against him, trying to make each thrust dig even harder inside her. She was getting close, but Chris’ smooth cheeks were beat red and his grunts indicated he was teetering on the edge.

  “Sorry!” he gasped. “Can’t hold out ... Too ... Oh yes!”

  Merci felt Chris’ cum flood her pussy—hot and exciting. It bathed her insides, overflowing her vagina and spilling out over her labia. The hot warmth added to the thick cock still thrusting inside her kicked Merci up onto the precipice of orgasm. She dropped a hand to her clitoris digging into the swollen flesh. The muscles of her vagina tightened vice-like on Chris’ dick and her pussy erupted into its own tempest of climaxes.

  Before the ecstatic shudders had fully passed, Chris picked up Merci’s quivering body and carried her into the shower. Hot beads of heaven hammered her flesh, massaging her sensitive skin and helping her to relax after her orgasm. Chris kept his arms wrapped around Merci, holding her up and against his body so she didn’t have to stand on her own, allowing her to concentrate on the luxurious rhythm of the water pounding her breasts before it rolled in wonderful streams down her stomach and legs.

  “Tonight,” Chris told her, “we are going to start here in the shower. Then I will carry you out to the bed, lie you down spread eagle and lather your pussy.”

  Chris’ fingers tickled their way through Merci’s pubic hair—just in case she was unclear as to what he intended to lather.

  “Then I’m going to shave you clean of every single hair and fuck your bald pussy with my bare hard cock.”

  Merci covered Chris’ hand with her own and pushed it down onto her lips, hoping he would get the idea and do something to relieve the tension he was causing. His fingers made things worse, increasing her excitement rather than releasing it.

  “I want you to think about that today,” he continued, “while you’re working. I want you to think of me shaving your pussy when we get home tonight.”

  Merci closed her eyes and imagined Chris licking the newly scraped flesh above her clitoris. His rough tongue would torture her bald flesh while his fingers thrust in and out of her dripping cunt.

  “Will you do that for me?” Chris asked.

  “Oh yes,” Merci answered him.

  Chapter Twelve


  Chris dialed Merci’s number for the third time this morning. It rang twice before she answered it.

  “Merci LaCroix.”

  “It’s lunch time,” he told her without identifying himself. “I just wanted you to know I’ll be using the time to shop for some things we’ll need this evening. I’m sure you can guess what kinds of things I need to buy.”

  Chris hung up the phone and smiled.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Merci stared at the phone in her hand, a delicious warmth growing between her legs. She couldn’t believe Chris kept calling her at work to tease her about tonight, but oh how she hoped he would do it again.

  A part of Merci still marveled that she intended to let Chris shave her down there. Not only was it an incredibly intimate place—even for lovers—but the very possibility that his hand might slip and cut her was terrifying. Yet the thought of Chris lathering her bush and slowly scraping it clean had Merci quivering with excitement. She was more than a bit afraid that she would actually come while the razor blade scraped her body.

  Chris was going to shave her!

  Then he would fuck her again with that monster organ he called a dick!

  She simply couldn’t get the two images out of her head—and couldn’t wait for Chris to make them happen.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Chris arrived at Merci’s house ahead of her, which gave him a little time to prepare for tonight’s enterprise. He began by carrying a small tray table from the living room into the bedroom where he set it next to the bed. Then he hurried to the kitchen where he set a kettle of water to boil and gathered up two wide bowls and his shopping bag. The bowls and bag he dumped on Merci’s bed while he hurried to the linen closet to get washcloths and towels.

  Laying one fluffy bath towel over the tray table, he placed the two bowls, three disposable razors, a bottle of shaving cream and a bottle of baby oil on top of the towel. Three folded washcloths went into one of the bowls. Two fluffy towels were laid out on the bed to protect the comforter and the final towels were placed in the bathroom next to the shower.

  Chris had just finished pouring the wine when he heard Merci’s car in the driveway. The kettle began to whistle a moment later. He ran with the kettle to the bedroom and filled both bowls, then ran back to the kitchen to discard the kettle and pick up the glasses of wine.

  Chapter Fifteen


  When Merci opened the front door, she found Chris standing in her foyer holding two glasses of red wine. She was already wet with anticipation and the knowing smile on his face set her pussy quivering. Her hand trembled as she reached out to take the glass from him.

  “I’ve been waiting,” Chris told her. “Are you ready to begin?”

  Merci brought the glass carefully to her lips and drank deeply. When she finished she felt steady enough that she could look him straight in the eye. “I’m ready.”

  “Good!” Chris answered as he closed the door behind her. “The first thing I want you to do is take all of your clothes off right here in the foyer.”

  The idea shocked Merci. She couldn’t quite explain why, but the thought of undressing here by the front door and then walking naked through the house greatly enhanced Merci’s feelings of vulnerability. “But-”

  “Merci, take off your clothes for me.” Chris’ voice was calm, quiet and so intense that she couldn’t refuse him. She finished draining her glass and set it on the floor. Then she slowly began to unbutton her white blouse, fully aware that Chris’ greedy eyes tracked her every movement.

  She worked her way up the buttons until the fabric fell back away from her breasts. Then she slipped the shirt from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Her large breasts heaved against the fabric of her solid white bra.

  “And the skirt,” Chris told her.

  Merci unfastened the button at the side and let the garment fall. She stood in front of Chris clad only in her lingerie and high heeled shoes. She could tell he liked what he saw.

  “Now the shoes and stockings,” Chris directed.

  Merci lifted her left foot and slid the shoe free with Chris’ eyes following her every motion. The right shoe followed. Not knowing what else to do with them, she dropped them to the floor away from her wine glass.

  Chris never took his eyes off of her.

  Self consciously, Merci unfastened her garters as Chris sipped his wine and stared at her legs. She slid each stocking down to her ankle and then off onto the floor.

  Chris adjusted the growing bulge in his trousers.

  “Turn around,” he ordered, twirling one finger in the air.

  Merci pivoted, letting his eye
s feast on her long sleek legs.

  “Now the bra!”

  Merci unfastened the strap but caught the material against her with her forearm before she exposed herself.

  Chris’ eyes were bright with anticipation, hungry for the first glimpse of her rich dark nipples. “I’m waiting.”

  Merci loved the way Chris stared at her body. It made her want to give him photographs of her naked flesh that he could carry everywhere he went—something to make him hard even when she wasn’t present.

  She let the bra drop away, showing Chris her thick dark nipples. His erection stiffened immediately within his pants.

  “Now the panties,” he told her, his voice hoarse with desire. “Let’s take a look at what I’m going to be playing with tonight.”

  Merci wiggled her hips as she slid the silk down, showing Chris the dark thatch of curly hair that awaited his ministrations. She kept it quite trim, but she’d never shaved it bald before. The prospect of Chris doing it tonight already had her wet with excitement.

  Chris held his hand out to Merci without taking his eyes off her bush. “Shall we adjourn to the shower?”

  Merci accepted his hand and let him escort her naked through the house.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Chris watched Merci lather her body, her fingers caressing her curves as she washed the remains of the day from her flesh. The hot water would tenderize her skin, and assuming a woman’s flesh worked like a man’s, that would make it much easier to shave her soft flesh.

  Chris slowly undressed as he watched Merci. He had originally planned to join her in the shower, but his erection was already so powerful that he feared it would distract them from the true excitement of the evening.

  Merci’s body still touched Chris with awe. Why some guy hadn’t snatched her up years before was beyond him. Maybe they were just meant to be together.