Snowbound Bachelorette Party Read online

Page 6

  Ken’s fingers stroked her cheek. “Do you…um…want to go somewhere and try to figure this out?”

  “Y-yes,” Eve whispered. “I really do.”

  His face drew closer until his lips brushed hers. A shock of electricity passed between them followed by the thunderous cheers of a couple of dozen drunken women.

  Snow had already covered Ken’s Ford Ranger where he’d parked it down the street from Kara’s home. At least half a dozen inches were on the ground, making Eve wonder just how Kara and Ron were going to get married tomorrow. The snowplows were out, but Detroit was a bankrupt city. There was no guarantee that the streets would be cleared in time for people to get to the service.

  But why was she thinking about that now? She glanced over at Ken who was walking beside her with his arm across her shoulders. She felt as shy as a teenager going out on her first date. Had she just walked out of a bachelorette party with a man fifteen years younger than her?

  “I, um, can’t believe this is really happening,” Ken said.

  She tried to meet his gaze again but couldn’t do it. “Me, too. I feel so nervous.”

  Ken let go of her hand and leaned against his truck where he could look at her. “Why nervous? You’re beautiful, sophisticated, intelligent. I’m the one who’s trying for the major leagues here.”

  Eve hugged herself. “It doesn’t really feel that way to me. You’re so handsome and…” She trailed off, not wanting to bring up his reputation for chasing a lot of women. Suddenly she felt like she was with Charlie again. “This isn’t a good idea. I think I’ll go back to the—”

  “Please don’t,” Ken begged her. “I get it. You’re just coming off a break up and I, well I’ve never had a really good relationship either.”

  Eve paused. Ken hadn’t put a hat on and the snow was covering his blonde curls. She decided she’d regret it if she didn’t explore the possibilities for herself. “Kara says you have a bit of a reputation for dating a lot of girls.”

  Ken rolled her eyes. “Sure, if you go back to high school. Of course, even then the problem wasn’t an unwillingness to settle down. I just couldn’t get a girl to want to go out with me more than a time or two.”

  Eve found herself tentatively smiling. There was something about Ken that she found very cute. “I’m not sure that helps your case.”

  He flashed his broad, cocky grin. “Give me some credit. I’m not sixteen anymore. I’ve learned a little something over the last ten years.”

  “Like what?” Eve asked. She was willing to believe he’d grown up quite a lot since high school, but she wanted to hear what lessons he thought he’d learned.

  “Lots of things. Like it’s not so great to go to bed with a woman if you have to be drunk to enjoy her company.”

  Eve frowned and Ken evidently realized she was trying to remember how much he had had to drink at dinner, because after a short pause he stepped closer to her and added, “And for the record, it takes more than a glass or two of wine to get me buzzing at dinner. It’s been a couple of hours since then.”

  Eve let him take her into his arms. It was what she wanted, even though she still had misgivings. “And you weren’t trying to get me drunk?”

  Ken pulled her a little tighter against him. “You were safe enough. I thought you were with that guy you used to live with and I don’t cheat or help other people do it.”

  If Ken weren’t here holding her now when he hadn’t actually made a move on her at dinner, Eve might not have believed him. It sounded like a convenient line to her, yet he really hadn’t done anything even remotely inappropriate earlier. “And not cheating is that important to you?”

  “I don’t have a lot of rules,” Ken whispered, “but that one is at the top of the list.”

  “And now that you know I’m not with Charlie?”

  “It changes everything,” Ken agreed.

  He kissed her—his lips warm and inviting. His tongue fluttered for a moment or two against hers before he let her pull away. Snow continued to fall on them. “I wanted you to do that all evening,” she confessed, “but I didn’t think you wanted to.”

  She thought of Charlie again and how screwed up his cheating had made her feel.

  “Well I want to,” Ken assured her. His fingers stroked her cheek until she lifted her face to kiss him again. This time his tongue dipped a little deeper into her mouth and the heat rose in her breasts and between her thighs.

  She pulled away again. “They’re probably all talking about us in there—saying I’m rebounding. Saying I’m…” She trailed off, uncertain what other things they’d say but not liking the idea at all.

  “Let them talk,” Ken urged her. “We’re celebrating a wedding tomorrow. What better time to start a new romance.”

  The wind swirled up as he kissed her a third time. It was cold, but Eve didn’t want to give into the weather. Instead she slipped her arms around Ken’s back and lifted herself onto the tips of her toes to kiss him harder. The heat rising in her body helped to warm her freezing feet.

  For his part, Ken remained much more of a gentleman than Eve wanted him to be. His hands stayed where he’d placed them—on her side and on her cheek—well away from her breasts or ass. Not that she would be able to feel him that well beneath her winter coat anyway.

  When they came up for air, Ken seemed to notice the weather. “We should get in my truck and figure out where we’re going to go.”

  He pulled his keys out of his pocket and opened the door for her. “Maybe we can find a bar that’s stayed open.”

  Eve let him guide her into his vehicle, but she was pretty certain she’d had enough of drinking tonight. She knew what she wanted to do, but felt very daring suggesting it. “I was thinking we might go back to my hotel room.”

  He froze for a moment as if in surprise, then leaned into the cab of his pickup to kiss her again. His hands still stayed far away from her breasts, but his mouth was much more energetic. His tongue thrust deep inside her and his lips pressed harder than ever against hers.

  It was a long time before he broke away. “Are you sure about this?”

  Eve’s heart beat so loudly in her chest that she was almost surprised that she could hear him over it. “Oh, yes.”

  He got into the truck beside her and started the engine. The roads had gotten worse since Ken had dropped her off at the bachelorette party, but Eve wasn’t really worried about it. She snuggled up against him in the cab and laid her head against his shoulder, feeling remarkably content. Every once in a while he took his right hand off the steering wheel to pat her knee and give it a little squeeze, but mostly they drove in silence, enjoying each other’s company while the wine Eve had consumed this evening mixed with the warmth of the vehicle and encouraged her to drift off into a mellow sleep…

  Chapter Seven

  “Eve, honey, we’re here,” Ken told her.

  He was both profoundly disappointed that she’d fallen asleep on him and contradictorily touched that she’d been comfortable enough leaning against his side to do so. In the rush of meeting up with her at the bachelorette party and finding out she was just as interested in him as he was in her, Ken had been all hot to pull their clothes off and make love to her. He’d restrained himself. He did not want to frighten this woman and drive her away. His brain was already spinning with ideas on how they could keep seeing each other after she went home again. But when she’d suggested they return to her hotel room he couldn’t help but get his hopes up for the evening. Now he realized that wasn’t going to happen and he was okay with it. With luck, she’d let him hold her in his arms as she slept off her evening in one of the hotel beds. If not, he was pretty certain she’d let him commandeer the other bed and they could continue getting to know each other in the morning.

  “Eve, we’re here,” he repeated. He kissed her on the top of her head

  She stirred beautifully beside him. “What? Don’t tell me I fell asleep.”

  Her sleepy voice sounded particula
rly sexy to him. “It’s okay. You’ve had a long day and there was a lot of wine at dinner.”

  Eve sat up straighter and stretched until she yawned. This latter activity seemed to embarrass her because she suddenly cut short her stretch to cover her mouth. “Excuse me. I didn’t intend to do that.”

  “Well let’s get you upstairs where you can get some real rest. We can pick up where we left off tomorrow.”

  Eve’s head snapped around to face him, a startled, almost frightened look in her eyes. “You don’t want to stay?”

  Her obvious desire for him bolstered Ken’s own confidence. “Of course, I want to. But if you need to sleep…”

  Eve found his hand and squeezed it. “Please come up to my room with me.”

  They held hands across the lobby and leaned comfortably against each other in the elevator. It was not the madly passionate affair that Eve had imagined in the shower, but the reality was a thousand times better. She knew the way her mind worked and if Ken had been simply all over her now and outside of Kara’s party, she would have begun to doubt whether or not it was her that he was really interested in. Sex was great and she really wanted to make love to him. But it would be so disappointing if she found out after this weekend that he really didn’t want anything but a one night stand. Not that dating long distance would be without problems, but East Lansing was only a couple of hours away—less in decent weather. They could make this work if they wanted it.

  When they reached the eighth floor, Ken lost some of his patience. He swung her gently around until her back was against the wall of the corridor and began to kiss her again.

  She responded eagerly, her lips hungrily sucking at his, all sense of sleepiness suddenly burning away. His hands found the buttons of her coat and quickly unfastened them. Then he slipped inside her outer covering to stroke her sides while he continued to make love to her mouth. After a few seconds, Eve followed suit, opening up his coat and feeling Ken’s hard chest for the very first time.

  She’d imagined this in the shower, but that was nothing compared to having the real McCoy beneath her fingertips as she sought to discern the contours of his pecks through his shirt and t-shirt. His mouth left her lips to suck greedily on her cheek, finding the line of her jaw, before moving south to her neck.

  It occurred to her that they were still in the hall—less than a dozen feet from the privacy of her hotel room. “Shouldn’t we—?”

  “I don’t think so,” Ken told her.

  His hand slipped up her body and cupped her tiny breast for the very first time. A lightning bolt of pleasure jolted through her. His thumb found her nipple through dress and bra and Eve gasped with sheer joy. “I’ve wanted to do this for hours,” Ken whispered. “These wonderful breasts of yours with just the right amount of curve.”

  Eve stiffened as his words. She knew her breasts weren’t her best feature and she didn’t like being lied to, but Ken might not have noticed her reaction. He was kissing her throat now, feeling the pulse of her blood as it surged ever faster through her body. His thumb began to play with her nipple through the dress, rubbing it back and forth beneath the silk of her bra.

  She gasped again despite her psychological discomfort.

  “Like that do you?” Ken whispered against her throat. “Just wait until I get my tongue on you.” As if he were determined to demonstrate his oral talents right here in the hallway, he reached behind her, still beneath her coat, and began to fumble for the zipper of her dress.

  All thought of her too-flat chest fled Eve’s mind and she squealed with excitement. “You can’t do that here! We’re in the hallway!”

  Ken ignored her, getting his fingers on the zipper and pulling it down to her ass.

  “Ken!” she said more firmly, even as he took advantage of the loosening of her dress to get his mouth down closer to her breast. The dress didn’t just drop away for him. She still had her coat on which complicated his efforts to bare her chest, but he still got several more inches of flesh exposed and his warm lips lost no time in exploring it. His tongue swirled and Eve wrapped her arms around his head and hugged him even tighter against her. Maybe it wasn’t so—

  The elevator dinged distantly—not on her floor, but close enough to remind her of the consequences of getting caught.

  She pushed his face away from her body. “We have to go into my room now,” she insisted.

  This time, Ken conceded to her wishes. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her toward her room like a groom carrying his wife to the threshold. “Your wish is my command, as long as I get to keep make love to you once we’re inside.”

  She caught sight of something lying on the floor near the wall where they were making out. “My purse.”

  Ken easily changed direction, bringing her back to the lost item, but he got distracted as he knelt down so she could retrieve it and started kissing her again. For a moment, Eve lost sight of their exposure and kissed him back.

  The elevator door binged and open and an elderly gentleman stepped into the hall. “That’s what rooms are for, kids,” he told them good-naturedly.

  Ken started laughing and stood again.

  This time Eve remembered to snag her purse. It wasn’t that easy to find the key card with Ken kissing her the whole time. His arms were strong, his chest hard, his lips hot and demanding. It took some doing, but she finally got the key in the slot and the door popped open. Ken wasted no time carrying her inside. Her suitcase was open on the first bed so he spilled her onto the second then landed beside her, his hands instantly moving back inside her coat to cup her breast again while his tongue slid back into her mouth.

  The damn coat was a problem Eve could do away with. She struggled beneath him, wiggling her arms and shoulders until she shimmied out of the wool sleeves, then wrapped her now bare arms around Ken’s head to encourage him to kiss her harder.

  His fingers continued to play with her still-covered breast and she hooked one of her legs over his so that she could press her pussy against his hip.

  Heat flared within her driving her to grind harder, kiss more deeply, hug him more tightly with her arms.

  He stopped touching her as he tried to struggle out of his own coat. Then he pulled at his shirt, scrambling to loosen the buttons until only his t-shirt and her dress kept their bare flesh apart.

  Both were easy to do away with.

  His white undershirt went flying over his head as he reared up above her. His well-developed chest heaved. There was no hint of fat or even softness about it. Then he reached up to her shoulders and gently pulled her dress down, not stopping when it cleared her chest, but taking it all the way past her feet so that she lay covered only by bra, panties and pantyhose beneath his greedy gaze.

  “Oh, Eve,” he whispered.

  The bulge in his pants was suddenly very apparent to her.

  “In my wildest dreams I didn’t think you could be this beautiful.” He cracked a grin at her. “And I have a pretty vivid imagination.”

  He crouched down over top of her and kissed her belly, right on top of her navel. His tongue slipped out to lick her light brown flesh, swirling about before moving upward towards her breast. The feathery contact made her giggle, but this didn’t seem to disturb Ken. He just kept kissing and licking while his fingers stroked her sides, heightening her pleasure.

  When he reached her bra he stopped kissing and stretched out beside her, one hand propping up his head while the other traced delicate circles on her stomach. “Show me,” he whispered.

  Eve hesitated. Despite Ken’s attention and his complementary words, she knew that her bosom was too small. Men liked huge curvaceous breasts with big, thick tits, not flat chested women with tiny little nipples.

  “Show me—right now!” A sharpness edged Ken voice and Eve reluctantly reached behind her and unfastened her bra.

  He immediately grunted in approval, “That’s what I’m talking about, honey.”

  He bent over her again and his tongue flicked out to
touch her tiny tit.

  A spasm shook Eve’s body and she arched her back up against him.

  “Tasty,” Ken grinned before licking her other nipple, swirling his tongue about her before sucking the puckered flesh.

  Sparks flashed before Eve’s eyes, but despite the delirious burst of pleasure, she couldn’t shake the sensation that her body was letting Ken down. Charlie had always been pushing her to get those implants. She couldn’t quite believe that Ken was as happy with her breasts as he was pretending. “Don’t you think they’re a little small?”

  Ken frowned. “What idiot told you that? Your ex-boyfriend?”

  She gave him a little shameful nod of confirmation.

  “What a stupid dick!” He began to kiss her breasts, working his way patiently around the oh so sensitive flesh. “Doesn’t he know that more than a mouthful is a waste?”

  Before Eve could answer, Ken sucked her whole nipple between his teeth and began to nurse, rhythmically pulling her toward the delirious heights of orgasm.

  That wasn’t possible, was it? Women didn’t really come just from having a guy suck on their nipples.

  Eve rolled up on her side, pushing her breast deeper into Ken’s mouth. Her breath caught in her throat even as she ran her fingers through his short blonde hair. Ken slid the backs of his fingers down her belly until they rode up onto her pantyhose and right down to the center of heat between her legs. Ever so lightly he brushed her lower lips, exploring them for a few moments before cupping her pussy in his strong hand and gently squeezing the flesh between her thighs.

  Eve’s quivers immediately upgraded into full scale shudders of joy. Her arms tightened around his head, driving his mouth even more tightly into her breast. His hand began to massage her between her legs, squeezing her rhythmically before starting to slide up and down on her pussy. She wanted to kiss him, but his lips on her tit felt too damn good to let him stop. His fingers pressed inside her through her panties and hose, drawing her silk undergarments tight against her lips and caressing her yearning clitoris.